Reuse Payment Methods
Reuse Payment Methods from your Credit/Debit TPP
Forage Checkout provides your customers the convenience of reusing saved payment methods from your existing TPP for credit and debit cards. If you want to take advantage of this feature, your application will need to provide Forage with a psp_customer_id
from your credit/debit TPP when you create a checkout session.
For Stripe integrations
- Pass the ID of the Stripe Customer object in the psp_customer_id field of the checkout session request.
- Stripe Customer IDs start with “cus_”, for example cus_KlxCHRXkaueTnw.
- Forage uses this request from Stripe to get the list of available cards.
- If your customer adds a new card when using Forage Checkout, they will be given the option to save the card for future use, but are not required to do so.
Reuse EBT Payment Methods
Custom Checkout
In order to create a custom checkout session, you first had to create a PaymentMethod resource for the EBT card. The ref of the PaymentMethod is reusable in future checkouts. Therefore, you are welcome to save the Forage PaymentMethod reference in the wallet functionality of your application.
Fully Hosted Checkout
Fully Hosted Checkout integrations should inspect the Payment objects generated during their customer's Forage Checkout session. The payment_method
field of each Payment object is the ref of either an EBT PaymentMethod or a credit/debit PaymentMethod. You can find the type of the card by further inspecting each PaymentMethod with a GET request.
Updated 4 months ago