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Understanding Transaction Type and Payment Method

This guide explains Forage’s transaction_type and payment_method fields, available in transaction reports.

Forage has two distinct fields that separate the type of transaction from the payment method (tender) used.

  • transaction_type - The specific action (purchase, refund)
  • payment_method - The tender used (EBT, credit card)

These fields replace the previous combined structure, simplifying integrations, improving reporting accuracy, and expanding support for non-payment-related transactions like fees and voids, enabling more detailed accounting and streamlined development.

These fields are now available across:

  1. Reporting API endpoints:
  2. CSV Reports:

The tables below serve as a value reference for understanding the transaction_type and payment_method fields, ensuring you can integrate and interpret these fields effectively within your systems.

Transaction types

The transaction_type field categorizes transactions by purpose, such as purchase, refund, or fee. This table explains all transaction_type values found in reports.

transaction_typePurchaseA standard transaction where a customer buys goods or services.
Purchase_With_Cash_BackA transaction where a customer purchases goods or services and receives cash back as part of the transaction.
RefundA transaction where the customer is reimbursed for a previous purchase.
WithdrawalA transaction where funds are withdrawn, such as from an EBT Cash account or similar source.
ChargebackA reversal of funds initiated by the customer’s bank or card issuer due to a disputed transaction.
Void_PurchaseA canceled purchase transaction that is voided before being fully processed. This can happen when a payment attempt that Forage initiates times out. To mitigate this, Forage will issue a void_purchase.
Void_RefundA canceled refund transaction that is voided before being fully processed.
Negative_adjustmentA transaction that reduces the balance or total amount due, typically used for accounting corrections.
Positive_adjustmentA transaction that increases the balance or total amount due, typically used for accounting corrections.
Balance_Inquiry_FeeA fee applied when a successful balance check is performed on an account as specified in merchant agreements.
Refund_Processing_FeeA fee applied to successful refund attempts, as specified in merchant agreements. This fee is charged separately from the refund transaction and appears as an independent row in reports.

Payment Methods

The payment_method field indicates the transaction tender, like EBT SNAP, credit, or FSA. This table explains payment_method values shown in reports.

payment_methodSNAPRepresents transactions processed using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits via EBT.
EBT_CashRepresents transactions processed using EBT Cash benefits, typically for non-SNAP eligible purchases.
Credit_DebitStandard credit or debit card transactions processed directly through the merchant’s payment processor.
Payfac_Credit_DebitCredit or debit card transactions processed by a payment facilitator (PayFac).
HSATransactions processed using a Health Savings Account (HSA) card for eligible health-related purchases.
FSATransactions processed using a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) card for eligible medical expenses.