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Capture an EBT Payment

This endpoint is only relevant to Forage SDK integrations and HSA/FSA payments.

Instead of calling a front-end SDK method to capture a payment, you can use this endpoint to capture a payment from the backend.

A POST request to /payments/{payment_ref}/capture_payment/ captures an existing Forage Payment.

On success, Forage automatically begins processing the charge to the customer, so this endpoint has immediate financial side effects.

The API responds with a Payment object that represents the transaction and includes complete receipt information.

For HSA/FSA payments, the capture_amount must be less than or equal to the original amount field in the Payment object.


Passing a capture_amount for non-HSA/FSA transactions may result in unexpected behavior.

Once an HSA/FSA payment is captured, the amount field in the Payment object is updated to match the capture_amount. The originally authorized amount moves to the authorization_amount field, which is used only for debugging and bookkeeping.


To keep your app secure, requests to capture a payment should only be generated from the server-side.

This endpoint is only relevant to Forage SDK integrations.

Instead of calling a front-end SDK method to capture a payment, you can use this endpoint to capture a payment from the backend.

A POST request to /payments/{payment_ref}/capture_payment/ captures an existing Forage Payment.

On success, Forage automatically begins processing the charge to the customer, so this endpoint has immediate financial side effects.

The API responds with a Payment object that represents the transaction and includes complete receipt information.


Security Considerations

Always generate requests to capture a payment from your server to ensure secure processing.


Timeout Behavior

The capture_payment endpoint processes payments synchronously and has an API timeout of 30 seconds. Ensure your server’s timeout aligns with this value.

If your server times out before receiving a response, use the GET /payments endpoint or webhooks to confirm the payment status before taking further actions, such as issuing a refund.
