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An Order object is the outcome of a Forage Session.

Order objects are only relevant to Fully Hosted and Custom integrations.

If you’re building with a Forage SDK, then use the Payments endpoints.

Every request to create a Forage Session also generates a corresponding Order, an object that represents the customer’s interaction with the Forage Checkout UI.

While you create an Order via the Sessions endpoints, with the Orders endpoints you can:

The order_ref path param is the ref value that is returned in the response object of the request that created the original Forage Session.

Order object

  "ref": "e0f7607d5f",
  "snap_total": "10.00",
  "ebt_cash_total": "9.00",
  "remaining_total": "0.00",
  "product_list": [],
  "status": "draft",
  "delivery_address": {
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "country": "US",
    "line1": "1856 Market St.",
    "line2": "Apt. 3",
    "state": "CA",
    "zipcode": "94105,"
  "is_delivery": false,
  "success_redirect_url": "",
  "cancel_redirect_url": "",
  "supported_benefits": [
  "success_date": null,
  "receipt": null,
  "customer_id": "abc123",
  "is_commercial_shipping": null,
  "expires_at": "2023-09-29T18:33:28.315051Z",
  "psp_customer_id": null,
  "external_order_id": null,
  "payments": [],
  "refunds": [],
  "previous_errors": []

When an Order is first created, the status value is always draft, and the receipt value is always null. Send periodic GET requests to /orders/{order_ref}/ to retrieve updated data.


If an Order is not captured or canceled within 30 minutes of when it is created, then it expires. Inspect the expires_at field to find a timestamp of the expiration.


refstringA unique reference hash for the Forage Order object.
snap_totalstringThe SNAP eligible portion of the order cost in USD. Precision to the penny is supported.
ebt_cash_totalstringThe EBT Cash eligible portion of the order cost in USD. Precision to the penny is supported.

*Not included if the Order was created via a POST to /capture_sessions/
stringThe portion of the order total in USD that is not SNAP or EBT Cash eligible. This amount must be charged to a credit or debit card. Precision to the penny is supported.

*Not included if the Order was created via a POST to /capture_sessions/
array of objectsA list of the products in the customer’s cart. If there are no taxes applied to any of the products, then this field can be empty. Refer to product_list for details.
statusstringThe status of the Order in the Forage lifecycle. One of:

- canceled
- draft (the status at the start, when a Session is created)
- failed
- processing
- succeeded
delivery_addressobjectThe address for delivery or pickup of the order. Refer to delivery_address for details.
is_deliverybooleanWhether the order is for delivery or pickup. This information is required per FNS regulations. Defaults to false if not provided.
success_redirect_urlstringThe URL to redirect your customer to if the order is completed successfully, passed in the original request to create a Session.
cancel_redirect_urlstringThe URL to redirect your customer to if they cancel the order, passed in the original request to create a Session.
supported_benefitsarray of stringsThe set of benefits that can be applied at checkout, including any or all of the values in:

["snap", "ebt_cash", "non_ebt"]
success_dateISO 8601 date-time stringA UTC-8 timestamp of the date when the Order was successfully charged to the associated PaymentMethod. This value is null if the status of the Order is not yet succeeded.
receiptobjectThe information that you’re required to display to the customer after the Order status is succeeded, according to FNS regulations.

This field is null if receipt data is not yet available for the Order. Refer to receipt for details.
customer_idstringA unique ID for the end customer making the payment.

This field helps Forage's servers more quickly identify the customer associated with the request. While customer_id is not technically required, if you omit it then requests could take longer to process.

If you're providing your internal customer ID, then we recommend that you hash the value before sending it on the payload. Each customer should only have one unique customer_id. For example, if you create both a PaymentMethod and a Forage Session for the same customer, then the customer_id should be the same in both requests.
is_commercial_shippingbooleanWhether the order is to be shipped commercially. FNS uses this value in its database for statistics.
platform_feenumberAn optional field, for use by a platform supporting multiple merchants, that indicates the percentage cut of each payment that the platform charges as a fee.
expires_atISO 8601 date-time stringA UTC timestamp of when the Order will expire if it is not captured or canceled, set to 30 minutes from when the Order is created.

*The value of this field is null if the Order was created via a POST to /capture_sessions/
stringThe third-party credit/debit payment processor’s unique identifier for the customer.
external_order_idstringA unique identifier for the order as created by the merchant or platform (not Forage).

When a merchant or platform passes this order ID to Forage, it persists in each Forage transaction related to the Order. This field enables merchants to map order IDs in their system to corresponding Forage Order IDs.
paymentsarray of stringsAn array of the unique reference hashes for any Forage OrderPayment objects associated with the Order.
refundsarray of stringsAn array of the unique reference hashes for any Forage OrderRefunds associated with the Order.
external_location_idstringA unique identifier, provided by the merchant or platform (not Forage), that indicates the physical fulfillment location for the order. For example, this field could specify which location of a grocery store chain fulfilled an order.
previous_errorsarrayAn array of objects that detail information about any errors triggered by the request. If the request was successful and without errors, then the field is returned as an empty array. Refer to previous_errors for details.


Every object in a product_list that represents an item in a customer’s cart includes the following fields:

namestringThe name of the item.
upcstringThe item’s Universal Product Code.
unit_pricestringThe cost of a single item.
quantitynumberThe number of the items in the customer’s cart.
tax_ratenumberThe tax rate for the item, represented as a decimal with at most six decimal places. A value of 0 indicates a tax rate of 0%, and a value of 1 indicates a tax rate of 100%. To set a 2% tax rate, for example, set the value to 0.02. Use this field if the product is subject to only one tax rate. If multiple tax rates apply, for example both a state grocery tax and a sweetened beverage tax, then use the tax_rate_list param instead of tax_rate.
taxes_chargednumberThe taxes charged to the customer in USD. Precision to the penny is supported.
taxes_exemptednumberThe total amount of taxes that the order is exempt from. Precision to the penny is supported.
eligibilitystringThe EBT benefits, if any, that can be used to pay for the item. One of:

- ebt_cash
- non_ebt
- snap

If multiple tax rates apply to an item in a product_list, then in the product_list instead of tax_rate pass tax_rate_list, including the following fields:

imposed_bystringThe name of the entity applying the tax.
tax_ratenumberThe tax rate for the product, represented as a decimal with at most six decimal places. A value of 0 indicates a tax rate of 0%, and a value of 1 indicates a tax rate of 100%. If only one tax rate applies, then use the single tax_rate param instead.


citystringThe name of the city.
countrystringThe constant string US.
line1stringThe first line of the street address.
line2stringThe second line of the street address.
statestringA two-letter abbreviation for the US state.
zipcodestringA zip or postal code.



The receipt value is null when the Order is first created and until receipt data is available. Pass the ref returned in the response that created the order's parent Session in periodic GET requests to /orders/{order_ref}/ until the status of the Order is succeeded. At that point, the receipt data, including the balance, is up-to-date.

ref_numberstringThe reference hash of the Order.
is_voidedbooleanWhether the transaction associated with this receipt has been voided. If false, then the transaction finished processing as expected. If true, then the transaction was reversed.
snap_amountstringThe amount charged/refunded to the SNAP balance of the EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
ebt_cash_amountstringThe amount charged/refunded to the EBT Cash balance of the EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
other_amountstringThe amount charged or refunded to any payment method that is not an EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
sales_tax_appliedstringThe USD amount of taxes charged to the customer’s non-EBT payment instrument, represented as a numeric string.
balanceobjectRefer to balance for details.
last_4stringThe last four digits of the EBT Card number.
messagestringA message from the EBT payment network that must be displayed to the EBT cardholder.
transaction_typestringA constant string that is used to identify the transaction associated with the receipt. Always Order for orders.
createdISO-8601 date-time stringA UTC-8 timestamp of when the Order was created.
snapstringThe available SNAP balance on the customer’s EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
non_snapstringThe available EBT Cash balance on the EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
updatedISO-8601 date-time stringA UTC-8 date-time timestamp of when the funds in the account last changed.


Each object in the previous_errors array includes the following fields:

codestringA short string that represents the error.
messagestringA developer-facing message with more details about the error, not to be displayed to customers.
sourceobjectAn object that details the specific source of the Forage error, including two keys:

- resource: The type of the Forage resource involved in the error.
- ref: If applicable, the ten character reference hash of the Forage resource that caused the error. An empty string if no specific individual resource was involved.
detailsobjectAdditional details about the error, if applicable.

Order lifecycle

A Forage Order enters different lifecycle stages depending on a customer’s checkout interactions. You can track an Order's stage in the lifecycle via its status attribute.

A diagram of the Forage Order lifecycle featuring arrows, as described in the text below

🔄 draft

An Order has been created and is pending further action. It has not yet been submitted for processing, so you can continue to add OrderPayments to the Order or to modify payment totals.

From a UX perspective, Forage creates an Order when a customer completes an action, like clicking "Place Order", that launches the Forage Checkout UI.

From draft, an Order moves to either processing or canceled.

🔄 processing

An attempt is made to process payment and capture the Order.

You can no longer add OrderPayments or modify payment totals.

From a UX perspective, an Order moves to the processing state when a customer submits their PIN to authorize payment in the Forage Checkout UI.

Forage is waiting on a response from the upstream EBT benefits networks.

From processing, an Order can move to either succeeded or failed.


The Order has been successfully captured.

The merchant can expect to receive the funds.

The customer can expect the payment amount to be debited from their account balance.

succeeded is a terminal state. You can no longer modify the Order or resubmit it for capture. The Order lifecycle is complete.


The Order capture failed.

It is possible that some OrderPayments succeeded, but it is guaranteed that at least one failed.

You can still add new OrderPayments to the Order or modify totals.

Forage automatically moves the Order to the canceled stage after 30 minutes.

✖️ canceled

The Order has expired. It cannot be modified or resubmitted for capture. If there were any successful OrderPayments for the Order, then Forage automatically refunded them.

An Order can only be canceled if it is at the draft or failed state.

If a customer clicks the "Cancel and return to the checkout page" prompt in the Forage UI, then only the OrderPayment associated with the Order is canceled.

Forage automatically cancels an Order after 30 minutes of inactivity.

canceled is a terminal state. The Order lifecycle is complete.

Example requests

Retrieve an Order

curl --request GET \
     --url https://api.sandbox.joinforage.app/api/orders/{order_ref}/ \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authentication-token>' \
     --header 'Merchant-Account: 9000055' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' 


GET /orders/{order_ref}/ documentation

Update an Order

curl --request POST \
     --url https://api.sandbox.joinforage.app/api/orders/{order_ref}/ \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authentication-token>' \
     --header 'Merchant-Account: 9000055' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json'\
     --data '
  "is_delivery": true,


POST /orders/{order_ref}/ documentation