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Order Refunds

An OrderRefund represents a refund associated with an existing Order object


OrderRefund objects are only relevant to Fully Hosted and Custom integrations.

If you’re building with a Forage SDK, then use PaymentRefunds.

The Forage API /orders/{order_ref}/refunds/ endpoints process refunds to an existing Order. With the Forage Payments API, you can:

You need to pass an order_ref for an existing Order object as a path param to create or retrieve an OrderRefund. The order_ref is the ref value returned in the response to the original request to create a Forage Session.

OrderRefund object

A request to create a partial OrderRefund returns a single OrderRefund object. A request to refund an entire order returns the original Forage Order object. The refunds field of the Order details a list of reference hashes for all OrderRefunds that Forage created as part of the complete refund.

OrderRefund objects take the following shape:

{ "ref": "1ccabfg754", "order": "e0f7607d5f", "payment": "f587edf124", "merchant": "9000055", "funding_type": "ebt_snap", "amount": "20.00", "merchant_fixed_settlement": 5.95, "platform_fixed_settlement": 5.11, "reason": "Order could not be delivered.", "metadata": {}, "created": "2023-09-18T11:38:29.279185-07:00", "updated": "2023-09-18T11:38:29.279209-07:00", "status": "requires_confirmation", "last_processing_error": null, "receipt": null, "tpp_lookup_id": "re_3JemUSGfBYJeLEva0af6My64", "refund_errors": [] }


refstringA unique reference hash for the OrderRefund.
orderstringThe unique reference hash for the parent Forage Order.
paymentstringThe unique reference hash for the OrderPayment to be refunded.
merchantstringA string that represents either the merchant’s FNS number, or a unique merchant ID that Forage provides during onboarding.
funding_typestringA string that represents the type of tender. One of:

- benefit

- credit_tpp
- ebt_snap
- ebt_cash
amountnumberA positive decimal number that represents how much of the OrderPayment to refund in USD. If a partial refund, then this value does not need to equal the amount field of the original OrderPayment. Precision to the penny is supported.

The minimum amount that can be refunded is 0.01.
merchant_fixed_settlementnumberThe fixed amount in USD that should be restored to the merchant from EBT Cash payments prior to splitting by the platform_fee. Precision to the penny is supported.
platform_fixed_settlementnumberThe fixed amount in USD that should be restored to the platform from EBT Cash payments prior to splitting by the platform_fee. Precision to the penny is supported.
reasonstringA string that describes why the Order is to be refunded.
metadataobjectA set of optional, merchant-defined key-value pairs that can be added to the request data.

For example, some merchants attach their credit card processor’s ID for the customer making the payment or refund. Some merchants opt to pass an empty object if they’ve got no additional information to add.
createdISO 8601 date-time stringA UTC-8 timestamp of when the OrderRefund was created.
updatedISO 8601 date-time stringA UTC-8 timestamp of when the OrderRefund was last updated.
statusstringThe status of the OrderRefund. One of:

- canceled: The OrderRefund has been voided and can't be changed.

- failed: The OrderRefund failed to process. Check the receipt.message field for a description of the error.

- processing: The outcome of the OrderRefund is pending, and the refund can't be modified.- succeeded: The OrderRefund has been successfully processed and will be included in settlement.
last_processing_errorobjectThe code and message values corresponding to the most recent Payments API error.
receiptobjectThe information that you’re required to display to the customer after the OrderRefund finishes processing, according to FNS regulations.

Refer to receipt for details.
tpp_lookup_idstringThe unique identifier from the relevant credit TPP or null for EBT refunds. For Stripe integrations, this is the id of the Refund object on Stripe's backend.
refund_errorsarrayAn array of objects that details information about any refund errors. Refer to refund_errors.

Note that this field is only returned when an OrderRefund is created. The retrieve an OrderRefund request omits this field in its response.



This field is null when the OrderRefund is first created and until receipt data is available. Send periodic GET requests to /orders/{order_ref}/refunds/{refund_ref}/ until you have retrieved the receipt data, which includes the updated balance.

ref_numberstringA unique reference hash for the Forage OrderRefund object.
is_voidedbooleanWhether the OrderRefund has been voided. If false, then the order has been refunded as expected. In the rare case of true, the charge has been reinstated.
snap_amountstringThe USD amount refunded to the SNAP balance of the EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
ebt_cash_amountstringThe USD amount refunded to the EBT Cash balance of the EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
other_amountstringThe USD amount refunded to any payment method that is not an EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
sales_tax_appliedstringThe USD amount of taxes refunded to the customer’s non-EBT payment instrument, represented as a numeric string.
balanceobjectRefer to balance for details.
last_4stringThe last four digits of the EBT Card number.
messagestringA message from the EBT payment network that must be displayed to the cardholder.
transaction_typestringA constant string that is used to identify the transaction type associated with the receipt. Always Refund in the case of order refunds.
createdISO 8601 date-time stringA UTC-8 timestamp of when the OrderRefund was created.


snapstringThe available SNAP balance in USD to the penny on the customer’s EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
non_snapstringThe available EBT Cash balance in USD to the penny on the EBT Card, represented as a numeric string.
updatedISO 8601 date-time stringA UTC-8 timestamp of when the funds in the account last changed.


Every object in the refund_errors array includes the following fields:

pathstringThe requested endpoint.
errorsarrayAn array of objects that details information about the error. Refer to errors.


codestringA short string that represents the error.
messagestringA developer-facing message with more details about the error, not to be displayed to customers.
sourceobjectAn object that contains the following fields:

- resource: A string that represents the Forage resource involved in the error.- ref: If applicable, the ten character reference hash of the Forage resource that caused the error. An empty string if no specific individual resource was involved.

OrderRefund lifecycle

An OrderRefund starts in processing, and from there can move to succeeded, failed, or canceled

Example requests

Create an OrderRefund for an entire Order

curl --request POST \ --url https://api.sandbox.joinforage.app/api/orders/order_ref/refund_all/ \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authentication-token>' \ --header 'Idempotency-Key: 123e4567e8' \ --header 'Merchant-Account: <fns-number>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' --data ' { "reason": "Order could not be delivered", "metadata": {} } '


POST /orders/{order_ref}/refund_all/ documentation

Create a partial OrderRefund

curl --request POST \ --url https://api.sandbox.joinforage.app/api/orders/order_ref/refunds/ \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authentication-token>' \ --header 'Idempotency-Key: 123e4567e8' \ --header 'Merchant-Account: <fns-number>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' --data ' { "amount": 25.99, "payment": <payment-ref>, "reason": "Order could not be delivered", "metadata": {} } '


POST /orders/{order_ref}/refunds/ documentation

Retrieve all OrderRefunds for an Order

curl --request GET \ --url https://api.sandbox.joinforage.app/api/orders/order_ref/refunds/ \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authentication-token>' \ --header 'Idempotency-Key: 123e4567e8' \ --header 'Merchant-Account: <fns-number>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json'


GET /orders/{order_ref}/refunds/ documentation

Retrieve an OrderRefund

curl --request GET \ --url https://api.sandbox.joinforage.app/api/orders/order_ref/refunds/refund_ref/ \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <authentication-token>' \ --header 'Idempotency-Key: 123e4567e8' \ --header 'Merchant-Account: <fns-number>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json'


GET /orders/{order_ref}/refunds/{refund_ref}/ documentation